This high-profile project funded by the UNDP showcases, in my belief, the best e-Learning Management System to have ever been developed in Zimbabwe.
I was the lead the Frontend Developer. The company which was awarded the project, subcontracted my services to lead frontend development in a team of elite developers.
The Judicial Training Institute of Zimbabwe (JTIZ) under the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) needed an e-Learning Management System (e-LMS) for the continuous education, training, skills enhancement, and professional development of all staff members within the JSC. Funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), this project had the following broad objectives:
- To capacitate judicial and non-judicial officers to carry out their duties
competently. - To improve the career growth and experience of staff members.
- To create an efficient and sustainable learning management system.
- To accelerate the digitization of judicial systems in line with the JSC Strategic
Plan of 2021-2025.

To satisfy these objectives, we designed the e-LMS to offer on demand, remote and decentralized, and bespoke training modules tailored for judicial and non-judicial officers. It enabled the creation, digitization, and upload of content online which would be accessed through a dynamic website through which members of staff can interact and collaborate while learning at their own pace. We made the e-LMS to offer a content management system for instructors to update modules, track user statistics